To build strong individuals, strong families, and a strong Nation supported by education and opportunities for career development.
Respect, Culture, Communication, Equality, Unity and Caring
The purpose of current and new business opportunities for TTQ include:
Generate sustainable income
Build wealth for the community
Build respect, be an active participant in the local economy, develop relationships with businesses operating in Xa’xtsa’s territory
Support Council during negotiations for IBA’s etc., and Collaborate with Xa’xtsa administration to support member employment, training and social services, capacity building and youth development

TTQ Economic Development Corporation

Xa'xtsa Gas Station & Store
Xa’xtsa Gas Station is located within the Tipella Community at 78.5KM. Visit us before heading up to Sloquet Hotsprings & Campground to refuel, or replenish your supplies!
Store Hours:
Monday to Friday
9AM to 7PM
Saturday & Sunday
10AM to 6PM
Store #: (778) 770-1646

Fire Wood
Firewood: Per Cord, Bundles, or Armfuls
& Cedar Kindling Bundles
Any firewood orders please contact us or visit us at our TTQ Office!
Office #: (778) 770-4758
Fleet Equipment
Please inquire to learn about fleet equipment services today!

Labour Contracting
Please inquire for local laborers from Xa’xtsa First Nation. We look forward to working with you!